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A video of a little kid being towed along at snail's pace by his drone recently went viral but now there's proof that this can work for grown-ups too.

Most of us have seen the footage of a little kid being (barely) towed along by a drone and it's fair to say that most of us probably thought 'wow, why didn't I think of that! But look, he's barely moving!'

Well, we've now seen footage of a full grown man being towed fast enough to get in some turns along flat ground.

This sets the mind boggling, the possibilities are endless: How about getting towed to the top of the mountain by your drone then having it follow you down recording your heroic run? Or perhaps you fancy snowboarding off the edge of a cliff with your drone flying you to the bottom of the valley? Or even using your drone to tow you on skis rather than a snowboard....

All we can say is that we can see some very interesting things happening with this new development in winter sports, watch this space.

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